post-ALA mayhem

I’ve arrived in the US, walked miles and miles in one exhibition hall in Chicago, signed books with Jerry Pinkney, Richard Peck, Gennifer Choldenko and Ingrid Law at Magic Tree Bookstore in Oak Park, signed across from Judy Blume and *just* before Sarah Dessen in the Penguin Putnam booth, saw some absolutely amazing and entertaining online friends and ate some awesome Chicago deep dish pizza. Here’s a pre-Newbery banquet pic:

Jessica Lee Anderson, Lisa Schroeder, Cassandra Riegel Whetstone, Me, and Tanya Seale

Now, I’m off to prepare for a tv interview tomorrow am (!)(Oh dear, what shall I wear? Any suggestions? What looks good on tv?)(And again, !!!!!) and my first hometown booksigning on Saturday afternoon. There will be cake!

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