Guest on the Voyager Podcast

I was honored to be interviewed on the Voyager podcast about my writing career, both in children’s literature and more recently in marketing and creative at The Lumistella Company. Travis Vaughn got me to open up about everything from the book of my heart and why if it were today I might not have written it, to how I moved from a college degree in exercise science and 22 years of life in Brazil to writing children’s books and now to creating everything from music videos to animated content to corporate press releases for Santa!

Along the way, I give shout-outs to Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators and The Highlights Foundation and make a plea for you to get to know your local bookseller and librarian, especially if you want to be a writer.

Listening back I even surprised myself a few times with my own advice, and I embarrassed myself with all the “umms” I inadvertently uttered. This podcast was also a reminder for me to follow my own advice and set that alarm in my phone to prompt me to get back to a project I’ve let fall by the wayside.